Videos in the Vernacular
We have resources to help you overlay your language into the 12 films below. Due to copyright issues, each video project is required to be approved before a recording project can begin.
We will help you begin the approval process.
If you are interested in dubbing any of these videos, please contact us.
Our pre-made video shells allow our recording specialists to synchronize lines of
script with the video timeline.
Also, in considering a video for your language project, we suggest first evaluating
the material to see if it fits in with your target culture.
If you would like more information on how to evaluate a film please contact us or
click on How to Watch and Evaluate Films.
Story of Genesis - Isaac-Rebekah sample
The Story of Genesis
This is an abridged version of the Genesis video lasting 90 minutes. It is an overview of the book of Genesis which can be watched in one sitting. The Story of Genesis video conveys the timeless stories of Genesis and can be recorded with multiple speakers or as a single-narration video.
Is this the right project for me?
The Genesis video can be used in its entirety, or any of the 18 episodes can be produced individually. Total running time is 90 minutes.
Lumo Gospel of Mark DVD
The Lumo Gospel of Mark
The Lumo Project version of the Gospel of Mark (word for word the book of Mark) is a new and highly versatile film produced for a variety of global audiences. Designed to promote biblical literacy in both churched and non-churched groups, it is a product of the latest historical research. The filmakers strive to accurately depict first century Palestine and present a non-westernized Jesus.
Is this the right project for me?
Assets for the dubbing of the film are partially available now and will be completed in early 2018. Total running time 129 minutes.
Used by permission
Courtesy of The JESUS Film Project
San Clemente, CA 92673
©Campus Crusade for Christ, 2003 All rights reserved.
Lumo Gospel of John DVD
Lumo Project Gospel of John
The Lumo Project production of the Gospel of John (word for word the book of John) was filmed in Morocco. It is an authentic, visual and artistic representation of the Holy Land of 2000 years ago. As a "voice-over" narration, the viewer can focus on the words of the Gospel as the background images and dramatization reinforce them.
Is this the right project for me?
This version of John is now available. Total running time is 159 minutes.
Used by permission
Courtesy of The JESUS Film Project
San Clemente, CA 92673
©Campus Crusade for Christ, 2003 All rights reserved.

The Luke video contains, word-for-word, the Gospel of Luke, divided into sub-sections. It is available as a multi-voice script which requires several speakers. There is also a single-voice narration version of Luke available, and there is an Audio version with no video.
Is this the right project for me?
Give Old Testament context to the story of Jesus with this stunning optional introduction and closing. The Luke video requires the voices of at least ten men and three women in multiple roles, many more people can be involved. Total running time: 4 hours 15 minutes.
Used by permission
Courtesy of The JESUS Film Project
San Clemente, CA 92673
©Campus Crusade for Christ, 2003 All rights reserved.
Experience again the power of God and the unity and compassionate fellowship of believers! A dramatic, word-for-word narration from the text of the book of Acts, this video features noted actors and stunning cinematography. Our version of the four-part video has been edited specifically for language/translation teams.
Is this the right project for me?
The Acts video requires the voices of at least ten men and two women in multiple roles, but more can be added. Total running time: approximately 3 hours.
Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society®
Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
ACTS Copyright© 1995, 2004 by International Bible Society®
Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Magdalena Trailer #1
Magdalena Released from Shame
"Magdalena", the compelling film portraying Jesus' tender regard for women, is being met with incredible response around the world.
Magdalena is inspiring women everywhere to realize and reclaim the purpose they were always intended know Jesus, and with loving hearts and a gentle touch make
Him known.
Is this the right project for me?
The Magdalena film is available in multi-voice. The film is 82 minutes.
The Jesus Film
The JESUS film is a paraphrased, edited version of the Luke video. Its main purpose is evangelism. The first hour is about the birth and ministry of Jesus. The second hour focuses on the events leading up to the crucifixion, the crucifixion itself, and the resurrection.
Is this the right project for me?
The Jesus video requires the voices of at least ten men and three women in multiple roles, but many more people can be involved. The JESUS film is available in either a multi-voice or single voice script. There is an audio version available of this film. Total running time: 2 hours.
Used by permission
Courtesy of The JESUS Film Project
San Clemente, CA 92673
©Campus Crusade for Christ, 2003 All rights reserved.
The Hope
The Hope video presents the story of God’s promise for all people. It combines video segments from other productions with original footage in a chronological storytelling format from Genesis to Revelation. Easy to dub! Highly recommended!
Is this the right project for me?
The Hope video uses live-action video footage instead of illustrations and animation. Total running time: approximately 80-minutes.
The Parables of Jesus
The Parables of Jesus include 7 video parables of Jesus complete with scripts which can be translated into any language. This production produced by International Media Ministries, has been developed into a dubbing format which can be used to record voices for the narrator and characters. Parables include the Dinner, the Good Samaritan, the Lost Son, the Manager, the Midnight Visitor, the Treasure and the Pearl and the Unmerciful servant.
Seven dramatic portrayals...
Timeless stories of the New Testament are realistically depicted in video. Each story helps the viewer understand the customs and culture behind the parables while presenting the life changing words of Jesus.
Is this the right project for me?
Visual Bible Gospel of John
The VISUAL BIBLE GOSPEL of JOHN video, released in 2003, reflects the advances in film making over the years compared to many other popular scripture videos. It is the story of Jesus’ life as recounted by the Gospel of John on a word-for-word basis from the American Bible Society’s Good News Bible.
Is this the right project for me?
This film follows John's gospel precisely, without additions to the story from other gospels, or omissions of complex passages. Total running time: 3 hours.
Used by permission
2003 © TKFAll Rights Reserved
God’s Story
From Creation To Eternity, presents the Bible from Genesis to Revelation in a chronological storytelling format. Using a mixture of drawings, animation and real life images, this panorama of the Scriptures highlights God’s plan to rescue fallen mankind.
Is this the right project for me?
God’s Story video is narrated by a single voice. Total running time: 76 minutes.

The Genesis video follows the stories of Genesis chronologically. The video is divided into 18 episodes of 15 to 20 minutes each. The Genesis video can be used in its entirety, or any of the 18 episodes can be produced individually.
Is this the right project for me?
This video can be recorded with multiple speakers, or as a single-narration video. There is a Bible study by Barbara Graham that matches the segments shown in the DVD menu. Total running time: 5 hours 20 minutes.
Used by permission
Courtesy of The JESUS Film Project
San Clemente, CA 92673
©Campus Crusade for Christ, 2003 All rights reserved.
Inspirational Films, 2004